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Herdenk Perla Korach-Hirschman

Perla Korach-Hirschman

Sanok, – Sobibor,

Reached the age of 45 years



About Perla Hirschman, her spouse Luzer Korach and their daughter Jettie Korach.

Perla Hirschman, mostly called Pepi, was born 15 March 1898 in Sanok in Poland as the only daughter of Avraham Yaakov Hirschman and Gittla Sprecher. The Hirschman family also consisted of five more children, i.e. Theodor, Aryeh, Naftali, Fishel and Eliahu. Of her brothers, Theodor was the only one who eventually arrived in the Netherlands, just as she herself. An administrative complication in the…

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The history of the Sprecher family from Sanok (Poland).

The official name of my grandfather was Theodor and his Jewish name was Tuvia (Tobias), born on 13 January 1891 in Sanok and killed 4 February 1945. It is possible that he had themselves registered in Germany and Holland officially as Tobias, based on the documents from the Jewish Congregation from Sanok.

Those days, Sanok was located in the Austro-Hungarian empire of Emperor Franz-Joseph, between…

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No other family known (yet)