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Herdenk Josephus Isaac

Josephus Isaac

Borgerhout, – Polen,

Reached the age of 33 years

Occupation: Bread deliverer



About Josephus Isaac

Josephus Isaac was a son of Alexander Isaac and Sara de Bruin. Bernardina Isaac, living in the Thérese Schwartzestraat in Amsterdam was his sister.
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Josephus Isaac was sent as an unemployed person to a labour camp in Rouveen. He was still there in July 1942. He had a girlfriend who survived the war.
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Josephus Isaac

Joseph Isaac verbleef in september-begin oktober 1942 in het werkkamp Conrad bij Staphorst.
Zie: Gert-Jan Westhoff, Dwangarbeid in Staphorst. Joodse werkkampen in Staphorst en Rouveen (Kampen 2012), pag. 120. Op pag. 58 staat een foto van J. Isaac.

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