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Herdenk Sophie Rosa Drukker-van Adelsberg

Sophie Rosa Drukker-van Adelsberg

Groningen, – Birkenau,

Reached the age of 44 years



Family Photos

Sophie Rosa, Henri and son Robbie. When the war began Robbie was sent to live with the Visscher family in Bussum NL. After the war he was sent to live in the US with an aunt and uncle,(van Adlesberg), and was adopted by them. In rememberence of his father, Robbie took his father's first name. Known as Henri R. van Adelsberg, and is currently living in the US.

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Henri Drukker and his family

Henri Drukker and Sophie van Adelsberg went into hiding, but were caught nonetheless. A child of them did survive the war by going into hiding.
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We have been unable to determine whether one or more members of this family survived the war. While their names do not appear on the lists of survivors, we have not been able to trace them in In Memoriam either. They …

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Ondergedoken en verraden

Voordat het echtpaar Drukker onderdook, heeft het in de oorlog op verschillende adressen in Amsterdam-Zuid gewoond: Vondelstraat 172, een maand later naar Vondelstraat 25, vervolgens op 7 juli 1941 naar De Lairessestraat 154 en op 30 januari 1942 naar de Krammerstraat 10 I. Uiteindelijk doken ze onder in de Hondecoeterstraat 28 bij mijn tante, Catharina (roepnaam To, Katja) van Veen die daar woond…

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Address & residents
