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Herdenk Hedwig Helene Flatow-Wiener

Hedwig Helene Flatow-Wiener

Berlijn, – Auschwitz,

Reached the age of 62 years

Occupation: Social worker



Hedwig and Georg Flatwow

see: Georg Flatow

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Georg Flatow and prof. George van den Bergh

Looking for pictures of Georg and Hedwig Flatow and relatives of Prof. dr. George van den Bergh.

The Flatow family lived in Berlin until 1939, their address was: Berlin-Schlachtensee Niklasstrasse 5 (temporary Chamberlainstraße). Because of their Jewish origin, they were persecuted by the Nazis and forced to emigrate with her daughter Ilse. They fled to one of her best friends: Prof. Dr. George van den Bergh, Amsterdam, Van Eeghenstraat 106 and worked sometimes in the “Werkdorp Nieuwesluis, W…

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Address & residents


Other family members

No other family known (yet)