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Herdenk Maurits Walg

Maurits Walg

Amsterdam, – Gross-Rosen,

Reached the age of 27 years

Occupation: Sales representative



Maurits Walg

Maurits is het derde kind van Eliazer Walg en Sara Mooleman. Het gezin bestond bij het begin van de oorlog, naast de ouders, uit acht kinderen. Het eerste kind, Markus genaamd, overleed al voor de oorlog. Geboren op 11 mei 1915 overleed hij op 30 januari 1916, slechts 9 maanden oud.

Maurits trouwde op 17 juli 1940 met Rebecca Slap. Maurits wordt op de dag van het huwelijk ingeschreven op het adres…

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Maurits Walg and his family

In addition, a Jokos file (number 2428) on this family is at the Amsterdam Municipal Archive. Access is subject to authorization from the Stichting Joods Maatschappelijk Werk.

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The Cosel period.

The period from 28 August to 12 December 1942 was known as the so-called Cosel period. Deportation trains  made a stopover at the freight station of Cosel, located 80 km west of Auschwitz. During that stop, boys and men who were considered fit for work by the Germans, were usually forcibly separated from their families and taken off the train and put to work in the surrounding labor camps of Upper

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Address & residents


Other family members

No other family known (yet)