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Herdenk Saul Ossendrijver

Saul Ossendrijver

Amsterdam, – Sobibor,

Reached the age of 61 years

Occupation: Cigar maker


About Saul Ossendrijver and his wife Clara Rodrigues Pereira.

Saul Ossendrijver, born 12 August 1881 in Amsterdam, was a son of Abraham Moses Ossendrijver and Cato Ansel. He married Clara Rodrigues Pereira on 17 March 1904 in Amsterdam, a daughter of the cigar maker Aron Rodrigues Pereira and Rachel Jessurun Cardozo. The couple had three children: Cato in 1905, Aron in 1907 and Abraham in 1910. Saul, his wife Clara and their children Cato and Abraham were ki…

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Saul Ossendrijver and his family

Three children of Saul Ossendrijver and Clara Rodrigues Pereira lived at other addresses during the war. Daughter Cato and son Abraham did not survive the war. One son survived the war in hiding.
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In addition, a Jokos file (number 8127) on this family is at the Amsterdam Municipal Archive. Access is subject to authorization from the Stichting Joods Maatschappe…

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Address & residents


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No other family known (yet)