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Herdenk Chaja Helene Goldberg

Chaja Helene Goldberg

Tarnow, – Auschwitz,

Reached the age of 43 years

Occupation: Employed at a photo-press agency



About Chaja Helene Goldberg

This person lived alone or no information about family members is known or traceable.

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Chaja Helene Goldberg

Chaja Helene Goldberg was getrouwd met Artur Anschel Bornstein. Het echtpaar had één zoontje, dat de oorlog overleefde.

Bron: Page of Testimony, Yad Vashem, Jeruzalem.

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Chaja Helene Bornstein

The Family Goldberg moved 1907 from Tarnow, Galicia, to Munich. In January 1925 Chaja married Artur Bornstein in Munich, in October their son Heinz was born in Berlin (, emigrated 1935 to Palestine, died June 23rd 2012 in New York). The couple moved to Berlin. 1930 they were divorced. Chaja emigrated 1936 from Berlin to Amsterdam.

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