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Herdenk Martha Olsenetzkij-Abramowitz

Martha Olsenetzkij-Abramowitz

Odessa, – Sobibor,

Reached the age of 59 years


About Martha Olsenetzkij-Abramowitz

Martha Abramowitz, daughter of Leib Abramowitz and Rachel Poelner, got divorced on 29 September 1913 from Pinches Olsenetzkij.
She lived in the Manegestraat 10 II in Amsterdam.
Ministerie van Justitie, Commissie tot het doen van aangiften van overlijden van vermisten 1949-1962 (1978) Nationaal Archief, toegangsnr.

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Martha Olsenetzkij-Abramowitz and her family

These persons are listed as residing at the same address. The source does not provide information about how they were related to one another.

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Address & residents


Other family members

No other family known (yet)