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Herdenk Salomon Kattenburg

Salomon Kattenburg

Haarlem, – Extern kommando Buna,

Reached the age of 58 years

Occupation: Director Hollandia-Kattenburg



About Salomon Kattenburg

Salomon (Willem) Kattenburg was the son of Willem Kattenburg and Rozet Prins. He attended the MULO (publicly-run advanced primary school) in Haarlem. He worked at Flessman, an Amsterdam firm, and then at various large firms in Berlin. Starting on 1 January 1909, he worked at the Hollandia-Kattenburg textile factory in Amsterdam. He is thought to be partly responsible for the rise in export sales t…

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Bezoek op 11 november 2010 aan Willy en Claire Kattenburg te Lausanne

Op 11 november de herdenking van de gedeporteerden en vermoorde werknemers van Hollandia Kattenburg bezochten wij Willy en Claire Kattenburg zoon van Salomon die thans 98 jaar oud is.

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Salomon Kattenburg and his family

Salomon Kattenburg and Selma Tauber were deported to Westerbork on 11 November 1942 and then to Auschwitz on 30 November.
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In addition, a Jokos file (number 13949) on this family is at the Amsterdam Municipal Archive. Access is subject to authorization from the Stichting Joods Maatschappelijk Werk.The Jokos file reveals that a claim was lodged for compensation…

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Address & residents


Other family members

No other family known (yet)