Esther Streep-Hoedemaker

Amsterdam, – Brussel,

Reached the age of 64 years


Streep and his family

The father of the Streep family was married twice. The first marriage bore him four children, of whom two survived the war. The two other children, Jacques en Arnold, were killed. The only child from the second marriage survived the war.
Addition of a visitor of the website.

In addition, a Jokos file (number 157) on this family is at the Amsterdam Municipal Archive. Access is subject to authoriza…

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N. Streep

Bron: In Nationaal archief ( 2.09.16 532.6), Nederlandse Beheersinstituut bureau Bijzondere Beheren (NBI), verkaufsbucher van de Niederländische Grundsücksverwaltung (NG), Den Haag komt voor N. Streep eigenaar, (mog. vader/oom Jacques Streep), woont Weteringschans 128 Amsterdam. Betreft eigendom: Valeriusstraat 53 AmsterdamBeheerder 1942: Everout (volgnr. 1683 beheernr 1381/38 en …

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