
Relative shopkeeper Lorentzplein in The Hague found in Israel!

Remarkable escape to the New World

Taking over stocks of a soapshop Lorentzplein 17 saved refugees. After the Second World War they returned to The Hague. Now I have contacted a relative in Israel.

Last year on May 1st I posted a message here. I wanted to find the shopkeeper of the Lorentzplein whose soap stocks my father and my grandmother bought in September 1942. During the war my father kept a diary, but nowhere did he mention number or name of that particular shop. But I was eager to find out about the background of this family, who owned the shop.

For two years now I have been busily investigating this matter in archives and on the internet. This resulted in my contact with the eldest daughter of the owner or manager of the shop. I knew she lived in Israel, but I didn’t have her address. In February 2014 I sent a letter to the first address I came across and to my surprise the letter was answered. In 1941 the family seems to have made a remarkable escape through Europe to the New World. After the Second World War the family returned to The Hague from the United States.

This story is so fascinating that I want to write about it. I cannot mention any names, because I first want to have the relatives’ permission to do so, nor do I want to embarrass anybody. For me and my family my mission has solved a mystery and for me personally that is a great relief.