Frederika Eva Polak

Amsterdam, – Towanda Pennsylvania,

Reached the age of 96 years


Isaac Polak and his family

In addition, Jokos files (numbers 52926, 52925) on this family or other family members are at the Amsterdam Municipal Archive. Access is subject to authorization from the Stichting Joods Maatschappelijk Werk.The Jokos files reveal that a claim was lodged for compensation for valuables surrendered to the Lippmann-Rosenthal looting bank (L-claim, number 9441/9111).

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Frederika Eva Polak

"Freddie from Holland"
On Easter Sunday, March 31, 2013, Frederika Leston fell seven years short of her stated goal of living to be 103 years old. Born in Amsterdam, Holland on Jan. 26, 1917 the daughter of fabric merchant Jacques Polak and wife Lyn, "Freddy" had an idyllic childhood in the Dutch countryside which she fondly and frequently remembered.

Her younger years ended abruptly during World W…

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