Child of Philip Wagenhuis and his family

Place of birth unknown, date unknown – Place of death unknown, date unknown


Philip Wagenhuis and his family

Philip Wagenhuis en Rosetta Blez had two children, who survived the war by going into hiding. They were in hiding in Wognum (Noord-Holland) and Treebeek (Limburg).
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In addition, a Jokos file (number 15103) on this family is at the Amsterdam Municipal Archive. Access is subject to authorization from the Stichting Joods Maatschappelijk Werk.

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Kind van Philip Wagenhuis en Rosetta Blez

Jacob Wagenhuis geboren 3 mei 1923 was ondergedoken in Wognum. Jacob Wagenhuis was na de oorlog getrouwd met Mina Paur geboren op 21-8-1919. Jacob Wagenhuis had ook een zus Sonja Wagenhuis geboren op 9-7-1928 en was ondergedoken in Treebeek Zuid-Limburg. Sonja Wagenhuis is vrij kort na de oorlog overleden en is in Israel begraven. 

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