Max de Hes

Gorredijk, – San Francisco,

Reached the age of 88 years


The fate of the Moses de Hes family.

De familie bestaande uit: Mozes de Hes en zijn vrouw Alida van Berg, hun zoon Abraham de Hes en zijn vrouw Marianne Soester en de ongehuwde zoon Benjamin de Hes. Twee kinderen overleefden de Sjoa, t.w. Max en Betsy, die beiden resp. in 1994 en 2001 in San Francisco overleden.

The family consised of Mozes de Hes and his wife Alida van Berg, their son Abraham de Hes and his wife Marianne Soester and the unmarried son Benjamin de Hes. Two children survived the Shoah, namely: Max and Betsy, both of whom died in San Francisco in 1994 and 2001.

MOZES DE HES was a son of Abraham Mozes de Hes and Betty Beuth and was born on 3 September 1864 in Hoogeveen. Mozes de Hes became a …

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Mozes de Hes and his family

In addition, a Jokos file (number 18162) on this family is at the Amsterdam Municipal Archive. Access is subject to authorization from the Stichting Joods Maatschappelijk Werk.

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