
Fritz Siegfried Roos and his family

Fritz Siegfried Roos was married to Elisabeth Culp. The couple had two children. The family lived at 94 Nieuwe Bosscheweg in Tilburg. On 24 February 1943, the four family members went into hiding. On 2 August 1944, they were picked up in Tilburg. Their son Bernd lost his life during the war, the other child survived it.
A. de Beer and G. Kobes, Het leven gebroken. De geschiedenis van de Tilburgers die als gevolg van de strijd tegen Duitsland en de bezetting om het leven kwamen (Tilburg 2002) 52-53

More information on this family can be found in:
A. Mayer-Roos, Als ik Hitler maar overleef (Nieuwkoop, 1981).