
About Levie Anholt

Until 15 October 1934 Levie Anholt was a partner in the business of his father. His father owned a shop in new and used sacks, yarn and rope since September 1898 on the Bitterstraat in Zwolle.
Bevolkingsregister Zwolle en Zwollerkerspel HCO, 1860 – 1940 blz. A. 69a; Kamer van Koophandel Zwolle, inschrijvingsnummer 00625, dossiernummer Historische Centrum Overijssel 0025

On behalf of the Sicherheitspolizei in Zwolle, the police commissioner requested that 44 Jews suspected of having violated German regulations by temporarily changing their place of residence without the required authorization be located, detained and brought to trial. This description referred to Jews who had gone into hiding. Levie Anholt, a travelling salesman, was one of these 44 people in hiding from Zwolle. In 1943 the police listed him as missing again.
//Algemeen Politieblad, nr 42, 16 October 1942, 1371-1372, notice 1901
Algemeen Politieblad, nr 8, 25 February 1943, 212, notice 573//