
About Oscar Lang

Oscar Lang was born in 1895 in Privoz, located in Moravia in the current republic of Czech. It is known that Osacar Lang per 31 May 1935 arrived from Paris (France) in Amsterdam and from that dated resided at the address Singel 284 III. He was unmarried and he was a vendor at the street market. On 7 February 1940 he applied for a vendor permit at the municipality of Amsterdam which was granted to him on 24 March 1940; he had a permanent standing place at the Uilenburg street market where he was selling glass cutters. On October 1942 Oscar was registered in transit camp Westerbork where he stayed in barack 22 and 61. On 16 February 1943, he was deported from there to Auschwitz where he was killed immediately upon arrival on 19 February 1943.

City Archive of Amsterdam, archive card of Oscar Lang, Vendor permit of Oscar Lang and the File Cabinet of the Jewisch Council of Amsterdam, record of Oscar Lang.