
About Salomon Rodrigues de Miranda

Salomon Rodrigues de Miranda was the son of Jacob Rodrigues de Miranda and Henriette Kurk.
Salomon married in 1926 for the second time after his first wife, Sellij Elion, died.
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Salomon Rodrigues de Miranda (nickname Monne) was born in the Nieuwe Kerkstraat in Amsterdam. At the age of 11, he became a diamond worker. He started as a diamond polisher's mate with his mentor Henri Polak. Salomon Rodrigues de Miranda was married. The couple had seven children.
In 1917, Salomon Rodrigues de Miranda acquired a seat on the board of the General Dutch Union of Diamond Workers (ANDB). Two years later, he was appointed elderman for Housing in Amsterdam for the SDAP. The Central Service for the Provision of Food fell under his authority. One of the initiatives he took was to set up Central Market Halls. Also under his mandate were the wash and bathing facilities and the swimming pools. After the Second World War, the open air swimming pool in the Amsterdam Rivierenbuurt were officially called 'De Mirandabad'.
Salomon Rodrigues de Miranda features on the Roll of Honour. He spoke at illegal meetings and he looked after abandoned relatives of prisoners. The Germans considered him as politically dangerous and they placed him on 18 July 1942 under so-called 'Schutzhaft'. Via the Remand centre at the Amstelveenseweg in Amsterdam he was locked up in concentration camp Amersfoort, where he died on 3 November 1942 as a result of torture.
NIOD, Erelijst Verzet en Koopvaardij, database made by J.W. de Leeuw;
S. Bloemgarten and J. van Velzen, Joods Amsterdam in een bewogen tijd 1980-1940. Een beeldverhaal (Zwolle 1997) 88;
M.H. Gans, Memorboek. Platenatlas van het leven der joden in Nederland van de middeleeuwen tot 1940(6e bijgewerkte druk; Baarn 1988) 759

See for a biography [in Dutch] the Biografisch Woordenboek van het Socialisme en de Arbeidersbeweging in Nederland and G. W. B. Borrie, Monne de Miranda : een biografie (Den Haag 1933).