Before the war Leo Godfried van Dam was a prominent member of the Liberal Democratic Party (VDB) in Haarlem. In May 1940 Van Dam was one of many hundreds, who went to IJmuiden to trie and escape to England. As with so many, Leo van Dam didn't manage to board a ship. Leo van Dam was married to a non-jewish woman but they devorced during the war. Leo van Dam left his home town Haarlem to go into hiding somewhere in Amsterdam-North. His former neighbour went to visit him there on a regular basis.
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Leo Godfried van Dam was a municipal councilor in Haarlem. His name is listed on a memorial charter that from 4 May 2005 onwards hangs in the council chamber in Haarlem.
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The Schouwburgstraat was called the Wilhelminastraat before and after the war. During the war, the Germans had named it the Schouwburgstraat because the Haarlem theatre (=schouwburg) was located there.
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