
About Siegfried Wolff

A Liro card exists for this person or family. The original cards are kept at the Nationaal Archief (National Archive) at The Hague.

On 22 January 2001 the Medical Professional Training School Eisenach got a new name: Dr. Siegfried Wolff Medizinische Fachschule Eisenach.

See for more information the following two books: Eduard Seidler, Jüdische Kinderarzte 1933-1945: Entrechtet, geflohen, ermordet (Jewish pediatricians-victims of persecution 1933-1945) (Freiburg i.Br. 2007) and Ute Gerhardt en Thomas Karlauf, Nie mehr zurück in dieses Land. Augenzeugen berichten über die November pogrome 1938 (Berlijn 2009).

In the German daily newspaper Die Welt (27-12-1997) the life of pediatrician Siegfried Wolff in Eisenach is described as well as him going with the children to Theresienstadt and Auschwitz.