
About Salomon Wijler

Solomon Wijler (also known as Lo) and his wife drove a dry goods store at the Dorpsstraat in Ruurlo. In October 1941, they had Bernard Sanders and his wife staying over. In the early morning of 8 October, the two men were arrested during a raid by the SD. Lo Wijler died the same month in Mauthausen.
Solomon Wijler's wife initially continued the store on her own. When in August 1942 in Ruurlo one of the Jewish labour camps, The Zomp, was started, she served for some time as a clandestinely 'postoffice' for the inmates of the camp. Later she had to go into hiding. She survived the war.
J. Oonk en B. Leuverink, 'De harmonica bleef vijf jaar stil' (Ruurlo 1995)
S. Laansma, 'De Joodse Gemeente te Borculo'
Arnold Erlanger, 'Ein Schwabe überlebt Auschwitz' (Wiβner-Verlag, Augsburg 2002)
H.N. Andriesse, 'Aan een zijden draad' (Amsterdam 1978)

This person is commemorated on a memorial in Ruurlo. More information on this memorial can be found (in Dutch) on the website of the Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei.