
About Simon Slager

Simon Slager was a butcher in Steenwijk. He was put to work in Conrad near Staphorst, one of the Jewish work camps. He escaped the camp and went into hiding with his wife, three children and his father Izaak Slager.
Simon Slager, his father Izaak Slager and his wife were caught in August 1944 and deported to Auschwitz via Westerbork. On arrival in Auschwitz, a set of jewellery was stolen from him. Simon Slager was killed in Kommando Vaihingen.
His wife and three children survived the war.
H. Hamburger and J.C. Regtien, Joodse oorlogsmonumenten in de provincie Overijssel, alsmede algemene oorlogsmonumenten waarop joodse namen voorkomen. Profiel (Bedum 2002) 59

In August 1942, the mayor of Steenwijk issued a search warrant for him. He requested Simon Slager, 'of Jewish blood', butcher, living in Scholestraat 15 in Steenwijk to be located, detained and brought to trial. He was suspected of having changed his place of residence without the required authorization. This description referred to Jews who had gone into hiding.
Algemeen Politieblad, nr 33, 20 August 1942, 950, notice 1586

The archive of the Stichting Sieraden-Comité contains a list of stolen items of jewellery, a declaration under oath and a statement of the right to inheritance.
NIOD, Records Stichting Sieraden-Comité, box HF 15, file 227

Simon Slager was forced to work in camp Gleiwitz. Almost at the end of the war, the camp was evacuated. The prisoners were deported in open trainwagons in the direction of Oranienburg. Simon Slager has died during this transport due to privation and hypothermia.
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This person is commemorated on a memorial in Steenwijk. More information on this memorial can be found (in Dutch) on the website of the Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei.