
About Meijer Leijden van Amstel

Meijer Leijden van Amstel's professions durint his life were cigar maker, workman, construction worker and breaker. Toghether with his wife Femma Abas, he had eight children, of whom one, Grietje, has died in childhood and one son Maurits, got married to Hendrika Zwart. Meijer was a syndicalist, who often lost his job because of his political activities. And especially, when they found out that he was founding a syndicate.

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After the passing of his wife Femmetje Abas on 26 October 1940, Meijer Leijden van Amstel moved 13 November 1940 to Tugelaweg 47 3rd stock and per 14 March 1941 he came linving in with his son-in-law Benjamin Roodenburg at Iepenweg 21 3rd floor in Amsterdam.

On 25 March 1943 Meijer Leijden van Amstel was taken to Westerbork where he was locked in barrack 82. On 30 March he was deported to Sobibor and on arrival there on 2 April 1943 he was immediately killed.

Sources: City Archive of Amsterdam, family registration card and archive card of Meijer Leijden van Amstel and the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration card of Meijer Leijden van Amstel.