
About Salomon Walvis

Salomon Walvis was a son of Levie Walvis and Martha de Groot. On 9 March 1927 Salomon Walvis married 320294. A month earlier, their daughter Martha Walvis was born. In 1928 and 1930 their sons Barend and Levie were born. In 1933 Salomon Walvis and Reintje Santen split up.

Salomon Walvis lived from 1936 onwards together with another woman. With her he had two more children. These children and their mother survived the war. His first wife, Martha de Groot and their three children didn't survive the war.
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For a biographical note see: H.E. Dominicus, Mauthausen. Een gedenkboek (2e herziene en uitgebreide druk; Amsterdam 1999) 167-168.