
About Simon Vieijra

Simon (Simson) Vieijra was the son of Elias Vieijra and Rachel Mossel. Simon worked as an architectural draughtsman for the architect’s firm Rutgers & Greiner. He set up business in Amsterdam as an independent architect in 1926. Between 1928 and 1932 Simon designed residential buildings and villas on Rustenburgstraat, Pythagorasstraat, Transvaalstraat, Stadionweg and Valkenburgerstraat in Amsterdam. He also made a design (that was not executed) for a community centre at Frederiksplein, Amsterdam.
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For additional information see: M. Nord et al. (eds.), Rebel, mijn hart: kunstenaars 1940-1945 (Zwolle 1995) 183

Of Simson Vieijra, the following documents still remain:
three proofs of identity with photograph:
1. as a co-worker of the Committee of Pastoral Workers of the Rabbinate of the Dutch-Jewish Main Synagogue Amsterdam
2. as supervisor of the buildings of the Portuguese-Jewish Community of Amsterdam
3. as co-worker of the Jewish Council.
Furthermore, there is a declaration of the Portuguese-Jewish Community of Amsterdam dated 16-10-1942 with the declaration that Vieijra was appointed buildings supervisor as a replacement for architect Harry Elte.
Lastly, a postcard written by Vieijra from Westerbork also remains.
Jewish Historical Museum, Documents collection, 6751 t/m 6754, 6756