Zwaantje Rosalie Mok was a daughter of Jacob Mok and Bertha Schechter.
Both her parents have survived the Holocaust. Her sister Nardia Andrea has survived the war too but her brother Abraham Charles did not.
City Archive of Amsterdam, archive cards of Zwaantje Rosalie Mok, Abraham Charles Mok and Jacob Mok.
On 8 Maty 1944, Zwaantje Rosalie Mok, toghether with eight other arrested persons, were brought from 's Hertogenbosch to Assen. Around 11 o'clock Zwaantje Mok had a chance to jump from the train trying to escape. The police sergeant, who was responsible for the transport, pulled the emergnecy brake and jumped from the train as well. He fired two shots in the direction of Zwaantje with his duty pistol. She did not get wounded but stood still and got taken in again.
Addition of a visitor of the website.