
About Anna Clara Boutelje

Anna Clara Boutelje lived at 19 Fr. Valentijnstraat in The Hague in 1917 and 1918. At the time she worked at a fruit centre. Her last residential address was 7 Cornelis Krusemanstraat, fourth floor, in Amsterdam, above where Bouman's delicatessen stood at the time. From 1938 to 1941 Anna Clara Boutelje was a schoolteacher at the Bouman School on the Rustenburgerstraat in Amsterdam. In 1941 she was dismissed for being Jewish She was in hiding at 46 Nickeriestraat in Amsterdam, where she was arrested on 24 March 1944.
Benjamin, jrg 12, nr 44, July 2001, 3

Anna Clara was unmarried but had a relationship of twenty years. She owned a cottage in Oldebroek.
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