
About Sara Knap

Sara Knap was a daughter of Marcus Knap and Debora van Emrik. She was born as the 9th child into a family with fourteen children, of whom one daughter has died in childhood, only 5 months old; five children have died already before the war; two daughthers have survived the Holocaust and six children, among them Elizabeth, Meijer Filip, Simon, Benjamin, Rebecca and Sara self have been killed in the Shoah.

Sara married 17 April 1912 in Rotterdam Baruch Samuel Furster, a commercial traveller and son of Benjamin Furster and Judith van Gelder. The couple had three children, namely Judith, Debora and Rosina Elisabeth. Only Debora has been killed in the Shoah. Both other daughters have survived the Holocaust.

On 28 August 1931 Sara, her husband and children moved from Rotterdam to Schiebroek, Bilderdijkstraat 22 boven and per 26 September 1934 there to Schiebroeksesingel 4. Until early 1941 they have resided there but since February 1941 the address has become C.P.Tielestraat 20 in Rotterdam.

Sara Knap, together with her husband Baruch Samuel Furster have been deported on 12 October 1942 from transit camp Westerbork to Auschwitz, where they both have been killed immediately upon arrival there on 15 October 1942.

City Archive of Rotterdam, family registration cards of Marcus Knap and Baruch Samuel Furster; website and the file cabinet of the Jewish Council of Amsterdam, records of Sara Furster-Knap en Baruch Furster.