
About Barend Blik

Barend Blik was a son of Jacob Blik and Klara Bendien. On 5 April 1933 in Amsterdam he married Marie Samson who was born in London, a daughter of Moses Samson and Amelia Polack. The couple lived in Amsterdam but moved in September 1937 to Zandvoort and returned to Amsterdam on 20 January 1939 where they then resided at Pretoriusstraat 84 I.

Barend and Marie had in total three children. In July 1937 their daughter Clara Jacoba Anna was born in Amsterdam and on 21 April 1939 Maurice Jacob Arnold.  Both Clara and Maurice survived the Holocaust. Barend Blik was killed in Auschwitz in March 1944.  His pregnant wife Marie Samson was however deported on 11 January 1944 to Bergen Belsen where Milly the 3rd child of Barend and Marie was born.  Presumably from hardships and exhaustion baby Milly died after 11 months on 18 March 1945.

Among some registrations from the City Archive of Amsterdam it appears that Barend Blik was an office clerk and also worked as a commercial traveller dealing in car parts. Later, from July 1942 he worked for the Jewish Council, where at the “branch Lijnbaansgracht “ he was “assisting new departures”. He also worked as a representative in the field for the Jewish Council. Through his position at the Jewish Council, he and his family were provisionally protected from deportation.

Barend Blik was registered in Camp Westerbork on 7 August 1943 and stayed in barrack 67. On 31 August 1943 he was deported to Auschwitz, where he was killed on 31 March 1944.

His wife Marie Samson and both children Clara and Maurice were also registered in Camp Westerbork on 7 August 1943 and stayed in barrack 67.   The children with their mother were deported on 11 January 1944 to Bergen Belsen.   Here in Bergen Belsen,  Marie Samson gave birth to her 3rd child, a daughter named Milly who only survived for 11 months old and who died there on 18 March 1945.   Marie Samson and both her other children survived the horrors of Bergen Belsen and in May 1945, they returned by train via Paris to England.  Marie Samson-Blik  passed away in 1986 in Florida (USA).

City archive of Amsterdam, archive card and family registration card of Barend Blik; the UK Census of 1911 re. the Moses Samson family; the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration cards of Barend Blik, Maris Samson-Blik, Clara Blik and Maurice Blik and an addition of a visitor of the website.

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