
About Samuel Hartog Pijpeman and his family

Samuel Hartog Pijpeman was a son of Wolf Pijpeman, a dealer in sponges, and Roosje Trijtel. Samuel Hartog had six other brothers and one sister, namely Hartog, Jacob, Joseph, Philip, Abraham and Sara. Only his sister Sara has survived the Holocaust. His mother passed away already in 1926 in Rotterdam but his father and all his brothers were killed in the Shoah.

On 28 October 1925 Samuel Hartog Pijpeman married in Rotterdam Sara Bon, a daughter of Samuel Bon and Mietje de Wolf. The couple had three children: Roosje, Samuel and Mietje.

From an info-card made out for Samuel Hartog Pijpeman by the Bureau of Informations of the Dutch Red Cross, tracing Jewish Persons, it appeared that Samuel Hartog Pijpeman was sent to Camp Amersfoort on 16 July 1942 and from there to Auschwitz. Other notes on this card: “according list R643 page 8, man, nr. 483/9 died in Auschwitz on 11 or 12 August 1942”.

Registration cards from the Archive of the Jewish Council of the children of Sara Pijpeman-Bon, Roosje, Samuel and Mietje show that they were registered in Camp Westerbork on 10 April 1943. Sara Bon, Roosje and Samuel stayed in barack 72 and Mietje in barack 70. Sara and her three children were deported from there to Sobibor on 27 April where they were killed immediately upon arrival there on 30 April 1943.

City Archive of Rotterdam, family registration cards of Wolf Pijpeman and Samuel Hartog  Pijpeman; Tracing Bureau of the Duch Red Cross, card of Samuel Hartog Pijpeman; the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, cards of Sara Bon-Pijpeman, Roosje, Samuel and Mietje and Sara Pijpeman-Bonn (wit 2xn) and the death register of Rotterdam, certificate 22818, 1950 v3---081.

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