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Herdenk Lea Pampel-Vos

Lea Pampel-Vos

Antwerpen, – Auschwitz,

Reached the age of 29 years



About Lea Vos, her husband Jacob Pampel and their daughter Frieda.

Lea Vos was a daughter of Jesaia Vos and Saartje Leuw and was born in Antwerp on 22 October 1912. She married there on 3 January 1933 the diamond polisher Jacob Pampel, a son of Abraham Pampel and Vrouwtje Pels. The Pampel-Vos couple had one daughter, Frieda, who was born in Deurne (Antwerp) on 20 August 1934. The entire family was murdered during the Shoah.

Lea Vos lived in Antwerp with her paren…

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Opgepakt en gedeporteerd

Lea Pampel-Vos en haar dochtertje Frieda Pampel werden onder onbekende omstandigheden opgepakt en op 30 augustus 1942 in de Dossinkazerne geregistreerd.

Lea Pampel-Vos werd persoon 559 op de deportatielijst van transport VIII, Frieda Pampel nummer 560.

Het konvooi verliet Mechelen op 8 september 1942 en kwam op 10 september 1942 in Auschwitz-Birkenau aan. Gezien Frieda’s leeftijd – ze was pas 8 ja…

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About the 8th Convoy of 8 September 1942.

A few peculiarities of this convoy are that the composition of this convoy was already started on 29 August, in the first place with Jews who were arrested during the big raid in Antwerp in the night before. The system of "calls" was still in force but was not sufficient to reach the desired number of persons to be deported. Only 99 people on the transport list have the indication of their "job ca…

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Address & residents


Other family members

No other family known (yet)