
About Isidoor Sigaar.

Isidoor Sigaar was the still unmarried son of Meijer Sigaar and Sara de Leeuwe and he lived at home with his parents at Transvaalstraat 82 II in Amsterdam. Between 3 and 5 October 1942, he was registered in Westerbork and stayed in barack 65, till the date of 10 November 1942, when he was put on transport to Auschwitz.

This transport included 758 persons and about 180 persons of them were forcedly unloaded at Kozel station, about 80 km west from Auschwitz, in order to do hard labor in the surrounding camps in the region. Those, who remained in the train, were killed upon arrival in Auschwitz.

Isidoor Sigaar presumably belonged to that group of 180 persons who had to leave the train at Kozel. 31 March 1944 he lost his life eventually “somewhere in Mid Europe”.

City Archive of Amsterdam, archive card of Isidoor Sigaar; the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration card of Isidoor Sigaar and the website with the listing of Jew transports from the Netherlands.

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