
About Rosetta Vreeland.

Rosetta Vreeland was a daughter of the musician Levie Vreeland en Femmetje Visjager. She was unmarried, just as her brother Jacob. She had two other sisters, Alida and Esther but they have survived the war.

Rosetta was a charwoman. Since September 1933 she lived at various addresses in Amsterdam but per 23 June 1936 her address became Utrechtsestraat 97 upper house. There she lived until they had this call 17 September 1942 for the “Arbeitzeinsatz” in Germany and was deported to Camp Westerbork. The next day, 18 September, she was put on transport to Auschwitz; the train stopped once at Kozel, were 200 men had forcedly to leave the train to work in the surrounding satellite camps in the region. The rest of this transport continued the remaining 80 km to Auschwitz and upon arrival there, 21 September 1942, Rosetta Vreeland has been killed immediately.

City Archive of Amsterdam, archive card of Rosetta Vreeland; Peoples Registry Regional Archive of Alkmaar, birth certificate of Rosetta Vreeland from Harderwijk, nr. 48 of 21-2-1882; list of Jew-transports from The Netherlands and the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration card of Rosetta Vreeland.

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