
About Simon Hijman Trompetter and his family.

Simon Hijman Trompetter, born in 1872 in Schagen, was a son of Hijman Trompetter and Vrouwtje Trompetter. 19 June 1895 he married in Amsterdam Kaatje van Leeuwen from Purmerend, a daughter of Mozes Trompetter en Serlina Reichenheimer. The couple had one daughter, Vrouwtje, who was born 3 May 1900.

After their marriage, the couple lived in the Koestraat in Amsterdam, but apart from staying in Dinxperlo several times, after the birth of their daughter they moved to Antwerp in 1909 and in 1913, where Simon Hijman earned his living as a diamond polisher. After return in Amsterdam, where they have stayed at several addresses, the family moved 1 May 1928 from Govert Flinckstraat 254 II to Nieuwe Prinsengracxht 16 II.

Daughter Vrouwtje Trompetter, who in her former office was a saleswoman at a department store, was exempted from deportation ("gesperrt because of function") She worked at the Jewish Council in general service as a HAV Help (Help for those who Departed) on Reguliersgracht 109 since 25 July 1942. However, between 1 and 3 October 1943 she was sent to Westerbork where she was registgered and locked in in barrack 67.

Kaatje Trompetter van Leeuwen too has been registered between 1 and 3 October 1943 in Westerbork and she too stayed in barrack 67. On 19 October they were added to the transport, which had already left Vught on 18 October and which made a stop in Westerbork to pick up more deportees. This transport went to Asuchwitz and on arrival there, Kaatje van Leeuwen and her daughter Vrouwtje Trompetter and another 1005 deportees  have been immediately killed on 22 October 1943.

Simon Hijman Trompetter died in Amsterdam 25 May 1943 and was interred 28 May 1943 in the Jewish Cemetery in Diemen,

Sources: City Archive of Amsterdam, family registration cards of Simon Hijman Trompetter, archive cards of Simon Hijman Trompetter, Kaatje van Leeuwen and Vrouwtje Trompetter; website Akevoth/Mokum/Burial Permits, burial of Simon H. Trompetter; Wikipedia, list of Jew-transports from The Netherlands and the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration cards of Kaatje Trompetter-van Leeuwen and Vrouwtje Trompetter.

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