
About Sara Breemer-Marcus.

Sara Marcus was a daughter of Bernhard Marcus and Friederika Roback. She was born in 1890 in Danzig and married in 1912 to Hugo Landau in Berlin, who was born 7 July 1887 in Vienna. However, she divorced him in Berlin on 12 July 1932 and arrived from there 6 December 1938 in Amsterdam, where she lived at Nieuwe Amstelstraat 35 1st floor and per September 1939 at Amstel 14 upperhouse. It is not known whether Sara and Hugo had children. As far has been researched, Sara Marcus arrived in Amsterdam on her own.

On 1 December 1939 Sara Marcus has been registered officially in the Amsterdam Peoples Registry and six months later, she lived at the address Daniël Willinkplein 2 3rd floor but moved 1 November 1939 to Govert Flinckstraat 374 II. On 24 September 1941 she married the widower of Gittla Perla Goldblatt, Jacob Breemer. His wife has died in April 1941 in Amsterdam and was interred in the Jewish Cemetery in Diemen.

Sara Marcus has been put on transport from Westerbork to Auschwitz presumably together with her spouse Jacob Breemer and his daughter Marianne. On arrival there 17 September 1942 Sara Breemer-Marcus, her husband Jacob Breemer and his daughter Marianne Breemer have been immediately killed.

City Archive of Amsterdam, archive cards of Jacob Breemer and Sara Marcus; the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration cards of Jacob Breemer, Sara Landau, nee Marcus and Marianne Breemer.

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