
About Lodewijk Gobes.

Lodewijk Gobes, born 26 October 1870 in Amsterdam, was a son of Salomon Gobes and Grietje Content. His father stayed already since 1894 in Plantage Kerklaan 39 and since 1905 at house number 59 and passed away there in 1911. His mother was already taken in per 3 December 1910 at the address Plantage Middenlaan 27 A-upper house, where she passed in 1913.

Lodewijk resided since that date in 1910, togerher with a number of his siblings as Jeanette, Emilie, Anna, Estella and Nathan, also at that address. Afther the passing of his brother-in-law Jonas Okker, also his sister Henriëtte temporarily moved in with him.

Lodewijk Gobes was a diamond cleaver by profession and travelled regularly between Amsterdam and Antwerp, reason why he p.e. in 1925 officially was unsubscribed from the Population Registery of Amsterdam, but in 1927 returned again at Plantage Middenlaan 27 A-upper house.

After two more times travelled from Amsterdam to Antwerp, Lodewijk returned in Amsterdam on 27 September 1930 where he then ended up lodging at Nieuwe Heerengracht 203. Lodewijk Gobes passed in Amsterdam on 6 June 1942 and was interred 9 June in the Jewish Cemetery at Muiderberg.

Sources among others: City Archive of Amsterdam, family registration card of Lodewijk Gobes; copied volumes (overgenomendelen) 1892-1920/Salomon Gobes and the website Akevoth/Burial Permits/Lodewijk Gobes.


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