
About Judith de Jong-Stad.

Judith Stad was a daughter of Joseph Stad and Elizabeth Scheffer. She married the son of Izaak de Jong and Klaartje Polak, Mozes de Jong on 25 February 1925 in Amsterdam. After the wedding the couple lived at Van der Helstplein 6 in Amsterdam, after which a number of removals followed, untill  in February 1941 they moved into a house at Amstellaan 38. This became also their last known address in Amsterdam. As far as have been researched, Mozes and Judith had no children.

Judith’s husband Mozes was already deported on 2 October 1942 from Westerbork to Auschswitz. This transport made a stop in a place named Kozel, about 80 km west from Auschwitz, where a number of men between 15 and 50 years had to leave the train, to be deployed as forced labourers in the surrounding labor camps of Auschwitz, among them also Mozes de Jong.

That’s how Mozes de Jong ended up in the Reichsautobahnlager Annaberg, where he lost his life on 10 December 1942. In Westerbork, he had still made a request – an “Antrag” at the “Antragstelle” for a respite of deportation but that has not led to anything. The same request  was made by Mozes’ father Izaak de Jong and his sister Elisabeth, they too did not receive a positive decision. On 2 October they were put on transport to Auschwitz too and on arrival there on 5 October 1942, immediately killed.

Judith Stad, seamstress by profession, had however an identification with nr. C2243 from the Jewish Council. She had no “Sperre”- officially she was not exempted from deportation – but she had the function of  “volunteer caretaker”, which gave no right for a Sperre but for an identification. Because of her activities for the Jewish Council and her later forced employment in concentration camp Vught, deportation must have been postponed.

Already in 1942, lists were drawn up with the names of those who should be called-up for the so-called provision of additional work in Germany. Judith Stad however received the call only early July 1943 and was taken to Vught in the night of 6/7 July 1943. From there, only one month later, on 3 July 1943 she was transported to Westerbork where she stayed in barrack 57. On 6 July she was put on transport to Sobibor and on arrival there on 9 July 1943, immediately murdered.

Sources among others: City Archive of Amsterdam, archive cards of Mozes de Jong and Judith Stad; website Wikipedia Jodentransporten vanuit Nederaland and the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration card of Judith de Jong-Stad.

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