
About Izaak Davids.

Izaak Davids, son of Abraham Davids and Rebecca Schnitzler, was born in Rotterdam on 1 March 1912. He was still unmarried and worked as a shop assistant. He lived at home with his parents in the Scheveningsestraat 8a in Rotterdam, from where he was carried off on 22 April 1943 to concentration camp Vught and from there deployed as forced labourer in the “Aussenkommando Moerdijk” a satellite camp of Vught, where he stayed as prisoner 554 in barrack 6.

Back in camp Vught on 11 September 1943, he was sent to Westerbork the 12th, were he only stayed two days in barrack 62. Already on 14 September he was put on transport to Auschwitz, where on arrival there on 16/17 September 1943, he was selected again as a slave labourer. Where Izaak has been deployed then, is unknown but in the end, according to his certificate of death nr. 1439, made out on 10 August 1951 in Rotterdam on orders of the Ministry of Justice, he lost his life in Auschwitz (or in the surrounding of the camp) on 5 December 1943.

Sources among others: the City Archive of Rotterdam, family registration card of Abraham Davids; the file cabinet of the Jewish council, registration card of Izaak Davids; website ITZ Arolson/Izaak Davids; the Wikipedia listing of jodentransporten vanuit and his certificate of death, 1951.1439-folv3-040v.

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