
Via kamp Vught naar Westerbork naar Sobibor

By: B.Boon

1 Incarceration Documents /  1.1 Camps and Ghettos /  1.1.12 Herzogenbusch-Vught Concentration Camp / Individual Documents Herzogenbusch / 

Personal Files - Concentration Camp Herzogenbusch

Reference Code

0101202 oS


Number of documents



Scope and content

This sub-collection contains the documents from the Herzogenbusch concentration camp which can be matched to a specific prisoner. They include prisoner registration cards, personal effects cards, money account cards, post control cards, labor assignment cards, transport cards and death certificates, for example. For an exact description of the concentration camp documents, go to our e-Guide:


Archival History

Please note that while the majority of the material in the files comprises original documentation from the period of this camp's existence as a Nazi persecution site, the compilation of the files was carried out by the ITS from various sources it holds.


System of arrangement

Documents which can be matched to a single individual and which date from the period of their imprisonment were particularly important for the original function of the ITS as a search service and point of contact for the survivors and victims of National Socialist persecution. As a result, these documents were segregated and sorted into envelopes from as early as 1947 onwards. The first name, last name, date of birth and prisoner number are noted on the outside of the envelope. The type and the number of documents the envelopes contain are also specified. If the ITS received an inquiry concerning this person, the T/D case number (T/D stands for „Tracing/Documentation”), would be noted on the envelope. The envelopes were then sorted according to the camp the documents came from and were filed alphabetically-phonetically under the prisoner’s last name.


4 Images


Volgens de kaart van kamp Vught werd Sophia op 9 april 1943 op transport gesteld naar kamp Vught, vanwaar zij op 8 mei 1943 op transport werd gesteld naar Westerbork.

Op de kaart van de Joodse Raad staat "met uitreisvergunning uit Venlo in Groningen ziek achtergebleven. Linksboven staat 9-4-43 V, de V staat voor Vught. Op 9 mei 1943 werd zij volgens de kaart ingeschreven in Westerbork alwaar zij in barak 85 werd ondergebracht. Om vervolgens op 11 mei 1943 op transport gesteld te worden.

Dit transport ging naar Sobibor.
