Colette Hendrika Polak, born in Berchem on 25 August 1913 as a daughter of Alexander Polak and Hanna Leeda, married Herman Aluin, who was born on 5 September 1911 in Borgerhout (Antwerp) as a son of Levie Aluin and Esther Cohen de Lara. Colette and Herman had a son Louis, who was born on 22 June 1936 in Antwerp.
Colette’s in-laws, Levia Aluin and esher Cohen de Lara, who were married on 25 August 1910 in Borgerhout, have lived in with their son Herman with Levie’s brother-in-law Simon Nordheim and Elisabeth Cohen de Lara between 14 August 1914 til 16 May 1915, who lived at 2e Jan Steenstraat 60 in Amsterdam. Not unlikely that due to WW I they temporarily have moved to the Netherlands but on 26 May 1915 the Levie Aluin family returned to Kievitstraat in Antwerp.
On 23 September 1944 Levie Aluin declared to the Antwerp Office of Foreigners “that he had been in hiding and that he had destroyed his identity card himself”.
Op 23 September 1944 verklaarde Levie Aluin aan het Vreemdelingenbureel te Antwerpen “dat hij verscholen zat en dat hij zijn identiteitskaart zelf vernietigd had”.
Sources: website Joseph Polak x Colette Booleman; The Dossier of Foreigners of the City of Antwerp, nr. 131799 – image 365-381.