
About Salomon Andriesse and his wife Rosa.

Salomon Andriesse and Rosa Andriesse were 5th degree second cousins of each other and were married on 19 May 1916 in Eindhoven. Salomon was born on 25 March 1887 in Veghel as son of Hertog Napoleon Andriesse and Esther Levison and Rosa on 2 September 1886 in Eindhoven as daughter of Nathan Andriesse and Cina de Jongh. The couple Andriesse-Andriesse had three children, namely Elisabeth, Nico and Hartog Napoleon, who was usually called Hans.

Hans survived the Holocaust, but Elisabeth and Nico did not. Their daughter Elisabeth was already deported from Westerbork to Auschwitz with the 2nd transport of 16 July 1942, but it is not known whether she was murdered in the gas chambers of Auschwitz-Birkenau or whether she died there because of the terribly harsh and inhumane conditions in Auschwitz. Her date of death was set after the war by the authorities as 30 September 1942

The date of death of their son Nico was set at 31 December 1942; he died in the coal mines of the Extern Command Fürstengrube in Upper Silesia. Nico was already deported from Westerbork to the East on 31 August 1942 and had to leave the train in Cosel for the so-called Arbeitseinsatz, and then ended up in one of the forced labor camps in the region there.

Salomon, a cattle trader by trade, lived with his family at Gestelschestraat 58 in Eindhoven. From there, after their arrest on 9 April 1943, they were taken to the Vught concentration camp, where Salomon was put to work as a gardener and Rosa as a seamstress in one of the clothing companies located in the camp.

After a month, on the night of 8 May 1943, both were sent on to Westerbork, where they were placed in barrack 58 on arrival on the 9th, awaiting their further deportation.

That followed on 11 May; Salomon and Rosa were deported to Sobibor with a transport of a total of 1446 victims. Of this transport, only one survived. All others were immediately murdered in the gas chambers on arrival there on 14 May 1943, including Salomon Andriesse and his wife Rosa Andriesse, both 56 years old.

Sources include the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration cards of Salomon Andriesse and Rosa Andriesse-Andriesse; the Wikipedia list of Jewish transports from the May 1943; the website ITS Arolson/campcards Vught for Salomon Andriesse and Rosa Andriesse-Andriesse and the death certificates, drawn up in Eindhoven, no. 630 dated 30 December 1949 for Salomon Andriesse and no. 629 dated 30 December 1949 for Rosa Andriesse-Andriesse.

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