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Herdenk Elisabeth Juliard

Elisabeth Juliard

Rotterdam, – Auschwitz,

Reached the age of 40 years


Not in the NDVS.

It happens that Jewish Dutch Citizens, with the official Dutch nationality living in Belgium as a result of the persecution of the Jews during the Second World War were deported from Caserne Dossin in Mechelen to Auschwitz, but that no legal declarations of death, certificates of death were found or otherwise known, nor a mention of death was found in the Belgian Official Gazette.

But if they appe…

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Familieverband Benedictus, Schenk en Juliard

De vader van Barend Benedictus is de koopman Levie Benedictus, geboren in Rotterdam op 27 april 1868. Zijn overlijdensdatum is onvindbaar. Zijn moeder is Leentje Schenk, geboren in Schoonhoven op 15 oktober 1869. Zij is overleden in Den Haag op 4 juni 1930, op 66-jarige leeftijd.

Maar niet als de echtgenote van Levie Benedictus, zoals Levie zelf niet meer de man was van Leentje. 
Levie en Leentje …

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Other family members

No other family known (yet)