Milli Dzialoszynski

Place of birth unknown, – Place of death unknown, date unknown


The fate of Sara Dzialoszynski, and about her surviving sister Milli Dzialoszynski.

Sara Dzialoszynski was a daughter of Benjamin Dzialoszynski, born on 2 January 1885 in Posen (Germany) and of Betty Jaffe, born on 7 January 1890 in Gorst (Germany). Sara was born in Leipzig on 17 June 1919 but lived in Gailingen, located in the federal state of Baden-Württemberg. Sara had an older sister, Milli Dzialoszynski, who was also born in Leipzig on 16 March 1916.

Both sisters came to the…

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The Albersheim Declaration

At the beginning of the 'twisted road to Auschwitz', the plan arose to have Jews emigrate to Palestine. This possibility was put into practice on a small scale for a limited group of chosen ones. On 1 November 1942, the Jewish Council announced that those who met the following requirements could report in writing:

  1. persons who were in possession of a certificate for emigration to Palestine before …
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