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Herdenk Paula Stern-Wolf

Paula Stern-Wolf

Hamburg, – Sobibor,

Reached the age of 41 years



About Paula Stern-Wolf

Paula Wolf was one of the seven children of Leopold Isaac and Olga Gumpel. The Isaac family changed its name to Wolf in 1924, because Leopold was one of the Wolf Brothers, a popular vaudeville group from Hamburg. The family also owned several theatres in that city. In 1938, after Paula married Fritz Stern, the two of them moved to Rappstrasse 21 in Hamburg. The apartment was near the large synagog…

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Paula, Fritz and Leopold Stern

A short biography of the Stern family written by Johann-Hinrich Möller.

Paula Stern was born on July 26th 1901, in Hamburg as one of seven brothers and sisters. Her parents were Leopold Isaac (*06.06.1869) and Olga Isaac nee Gumpel (*05.10.1868). Since 1924 the family name was changed into Wolf. Paula’s father was a member of the ‘Wolf Brothers’ (Gebrueder Wolf) famous and very popular artists and vaudeville singers from Hamburg, more . The family…

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Een zus van Paula, Käthe Georgine Wolf (getrouwd met de cabaretier Alfons Fink), en een broer, John, emigreerden ook naar Nederland. Käthe deed na de oorlog een verzoek tot Wiedergutmachung in verband met de in Nederland gestolen huisraad van Paula.

Archief: (Aktenzeichen 61 WGA 15182/59)

L: Dieter Guderian, Die Hamburger Familie Isaac; Lebensgeschichte der Volkssänger Gebr…

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