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Herdenk Filippus Izaäk de Vries

Filippus Izaäk de Vries

Wildervank, – Auschwitz,

Reached the age of 70 years


Fillippus Izaäk de Vries and his family

Of Filippus Izaäk de Vries, four letters remain which he wrote from camp Vught to his wife. Three of the letters are dated, 5 September 1943, 19 September 1943 and 17 October 1943. Furthermore, there is a notification from the Dutch Red Cross that Filippus Izaäk de Vries was transported from Westerbork to Auschwitz on 15 November 1943 and that he died there on 18 November 1943.
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Other family members

No other family known (yet)