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Herdenk Arnold Hans Schiff

Arnold Hans Schiff

Pforzheim, – Bergen-Belsen,

Reached the age of 37 years

Occupation: Deputy manager


About Arnold Hans Schiff

Of Arnold Hans Schiff remains a permit in which Gemmeker, camp Westerbork's commander, grants him permission to travel to Amsterdam as a member of the Jewish Council on Sunday, 30 May 1943.
Jewish Historical Museum, Documents collection, 3604

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Widow Henni Schiff-Ettinghausen and her family

In addition, a Jokos file (number 31627) on this family is at the Amsterdam Municipal Archive. Access is subject to authorization from the Stichting Joods Maatschappelijk Werk.The Jokos file reveals that a claim was lodged for compensation for :

- securities or bonds. (W-claim, number Asp 4 0.24 / 1908)

- valuables surrendered to the Lippmann-Rosenthal looting bank (L-claim, number 10666 /…

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Address & residents
