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Herdenk Rozette van Praag

Rozette van Praag

Amsterdam, – Auschwitz,

Reached the age of 49 years



About Anna and Rozette van Praag.

Anna and Rozette van Praag were daughters of Jochem van Praag and Duifje Dreesde and unmarried. Anna worked as office clerk and Rozette had no profession. Anna and Rozette had two other sisters and two other brothers, namely Clara and Leonora and Isidor and Leon, who all have survived the Holocaust.

Clara stayed during the war in Palestine and returned in Amsterdam 1 December 1945. She lived then …

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Op 25/27 augustus 1943 door de SD / Gestapo, Johannes Heinrich Louis Munt - SS-Hauptsturmführer en Kriminalkommissar, overgebracht naar het Oranjehotel. 

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Other family members

No other family known (yet)