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Herdenk Thekla Spanier-Emanuel

Thekla Spanier-Emanuel

Keulen, – Amsterdam,

Reached the age of 79 years


About Thekla Spanier-Emanuel

Thekla Spanier-Emanuel lived at 23 Corellistraat in Amsterdam. Under pressure of the circumstances she took her own life some day between 21 January and 16 February 1943.
NIOD, Records Joodse Raad, box 36d, letter d.d. 18 February 1943

This person lived alone or no information about family members is known or traceable.

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Overlijdensdatum is 3 februari 1943

Uit gegevens van de Amsterdamse politie blijkt dat mevrouw Thekla Spanier-Emanuel op 3 februari 1943 is overleden.

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