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Herdenk Albert Lewy

Albert Lewy

Thorn, – Auschwitz,

Reached the age of 48 years

Occupation: Draper



About Albert Lewy

This person is commemorated on a memorial in Aalten. More information on this memorial can be found (in Dutch) on the website of the Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei.

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Albert Lewy and his family

Albert Lewy was married to Frederika ten Bosch. They had a daughter, Bertha Mathilde Lewy. German Jews living in the Netherlands lost their citizenship and became stateless following a Nazi decree issued on 25 November 1941. This happened to Albert Lewy, his wife and their daughter.

Albert Lewy was deported to Auschwitz via Westerbork when the Jewish labour camps were emptied on 4 October 1942. …

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Familie Lewy

Voor meer informatie over de familie Lewy, zie het boekje: Ook zij waren Aaltenaren…: Een tocht langs Stolpersteine en het verdwenen Joodse leven in Aalten, een gezamenlijke uitgave van het Nationaal Onderduikmuseum Aalten en de Stichting Vrienden van de Aaltense Synagoge, pagina 22.

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Address & residents


Other family members

No other family known (yet)