
Frank van Elten

Dear family-members of the Hartog-family that used to live at the Rodenbachlaan 24 in the city of Eindhoven (the Netherlands),

Being a grandson of the family where Mr. and Mrs. Hartog and their at that time (appr.) 27 year old son "Jo" used to live during the period of "Onderduiken", I would like to try and establish some kind of contact with you.
This because it could make the history of your and my (grand)parents a bit more complete.

If however this would not be apreciated by you and/or your family, then ofcourse I fully respect that.

with kindest regards,
tot ziens,

Frank van Elten.

P.S. yours truly wrote this in english, so that any member of the Meijer Hartog-family, where ever he or she lives, can read this request.

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